What I learned lately…
I feel like I want to blog these days, but I have little time to allocate to it.
So, as a kickstart, lets write some useful stuff I learned lately.
Restore automatic rename in Tmux
I use Tmux along with Vim most of the time. Sometimes, I rename windows by mistake, when I type a wrong shortcut. Doing so, I lose the tmux abililty of renaming window with current running process name. To restore this feature, type the command bellow.
set-window-option automatic-rename on
Open urls in browser from a Vim buffer
in normal mode open a link under the cursor in a web browser. Actually, it
can open any file with the default associated application. This is the same
command as typing x
in a netrw buffer to open a file (Vim embedded file
On my system (Linux Debian 10, with xfce), it uses xdg-open
under the hood.
Default browser can be configured with xdg-settings
xdg-settings set default-web-browser your_browser.desktop
.desktop files are found in ~/.local/share/applications
(I always forget
about this directory). Refer to :help gx
to know more about this command and
how to configure its behaviour.
Use entr to watch your files and run a command
I tried Entr. It’s a simple file watcher
that you can run through a pipe. For instance, following command will run make
if a markdown file is modified:
find . -name ".md" | entr make
Its quite lean and unix-y, I like that.